How natural medicine can support you when you have Iron deficiency
Have you been taking ferro grad C forever and still feel like crap?
Infusions, liquids, different forms, twice a day dosing, and still no difference ? Chances are you’ve got some underlying issues that aren’t being addressed. What might some of these be?
Heavy bleeds: this one may be obvious, but ironically, iron deficiency can cause heavy bleeds, while underlying hormonal imbalances like endometriosis or fibroids can result in this and need to be considered
Internal bleeding
Gut malabsorption issues (IBD, issues with stomach lining/gastritis, coeliac disease)
Not consuming enough iron-rich foods. And there are two types: haem (found in animal tissue) and non-haem, where the former is much better absorbed.
Having caffeine (coffee, green/black/peppermint tea) with your meals; tannins in the tea for example will bind to iron and reduce absorption.
High intake of phytates: also limits iron absorption. Phytates are naturally found in various grains, legumes and beans. However, recent studies have shown that this so-called “anti-nutrient” effect occurs only when large amounts of phytates are consumed with a diet that is poor in nutrition.
Taking drugs that limit gastric acid secretion (ie. PPI’s)
Chronic infections: certain pathogens actually thrive off iron. Hence why it’s not recommended to load up on iron when your dealing with eradicating an infection. H.pylori and parasitises are good examples of this.
Stages of pregnancy/breastfeeding as there is an increased demand
Prolonged used of NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) drugs increases the risk
Haemorrhoids and anal fissures that are bleeding/left untreated
You could be taking a poor form of iron in supplemental form in incorrect dosing which is difficult for the gut to break down and assimilate.
There are many other conditions that can be implicated here, however these are some of the most common ones associated with long-term iron deficiency. And treatment should be provided accordingly by an appropriate practitioner. Book in with us to get to the bottom of your iron deficiency.